What does the Carin MacLean Foundation do?
The Carin MacLean Foundation helps support moms that are fighting cancer. They become apart of our community meetings spending time with other families in New England dealing with the same life challenges. Our grants help families with everything from home expenses to medical bills and offer financial stability during this difficult time. Along with financial help our programs try to nurture their mind and body and assist with housekeeping, meals, and cleaning so our moms can focus on their family and their health.
What geographic area does CMF serve?
CMF serves families living in the New England states: Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.
How do I apply for assistance through CMF?
Please click *here* to learn how to apply and for our application.
Is assistance from CMF a one time occurrence?
We encourage all families to stay in touch and let us know how they are doing. We will continue to offer assistance to families who need it during treatment on a case by case as needed basis.
Do I have to have a certain type of cancer to receive assistance from CMF?
CMF assists families with ANY type of cancer. If you are receiving treatment, have a school age child/children, and live in our geographic area, we want to help!
Can Fathers apply for assistance?
In our early years, CMF did assist fathers with cancer but in order to better connect and serve our recipients, we decided it was best to focus on only mothers. Having seen what our best friend went through and being mothers ourselves, we can emotionally and practically understand this group of cancer fighters the most accurately and fulfill their needs.
Does it matter how old my children are?
Our organization helps families with school aged children or younger (High school and under). Our thoughts stand that families dealing with cancer during this stage of their life, do not have nearly the amount of resources available to them as families with children who have grown and left the home. While we understand that no one is ever ready for something like this, parents of younger children are far less likely to have any kind of nest egg saved, equity in a property to borrow from, retirement funds to pull out, or tenure in their profession to take the time out that is needed. These families also have to think about such items as childcare, keeping young ones active, and maintaining a stable family life during such a trying time.
How much will my grant be for?
CMF does its very best to understand and learn about each recipient on a case by case basis. Every family has different circumstances, demands and amounts will vary from family to family.
How long do I have to wait to start getting help?
Like all things in life applying is a process. We do work hard to ensure things move along smoothly and understand the sooner the better is always appreciated by our families. By doing your part and sending in what is needed in a timely manner, waiting periods can be kept shorter.
Can I nominate someone I know that could could use the help?
Absolutely! We encourage you to share CMF and what we do with anyone you think could benefit. Unfortunately, if you are trying to surprise someone, we cannot do that. There is a part of our application that the cancer patient's Medical Professional needs to sign which aligns with our guidelines and application process.
What happens after I receive assistance?
We want you to stay apart of the CMF family during and after treatment! Stay in touch and let us know how everything is going, as often as you can. We would love to have you speak and/or attend our events. This is huge in helping other families to hear first-hand stories of strength and hope. Another way to stay involved is to become a CMF volunteer. It's a tremendous help in paying it forward and helping to make our mission a success.
Can I help this great cause even if I don’t have cancer?
Yes, yes, yes! Please click "here" to learn more about how to sign up to volunteer
How much of my donation goes directly to helping families?
100% of our profit!! We are all volunteers and put in the time and the work because we care so much about shaping a new generation of cancer survivors that are better taken care in a variety of different ways.
Can my business sponsor or partner with your organization?
We welcome all opportunities and would be happy to speak with you more about ways we can connect. Please contact us either by phone or email to discuss further.